Audio Streamer Evaluation using QA403

I’ve read the “Rapid USB DAC Evaluation” so have part of the story and done some digging to see if there is any documentation available as to whether the QA403 can be used to test a network audio streamer.

The streamer has USB (plus two optical inputs - Toslink 1 & 2 and two coaxial inputs - 1 x RCA phono, 1 x BNC connection) in addition to Ethernet. My thought was that test-tone files could potentially be used to provide the reference signal.
restorer-john’s post together with the other posts about input/playing .wav files is noted.

Can the QA403 be used to conduct impulse and further tests on the streamer and does anyone have any guidance on doing so and suitable reference .wav files?

Found a commercial source wavtones for the reference waveforms after a bit more digging, so that’s that part covered off. Reasonable cost, anyone used them before?

Are you wanting to do triggered acquisitions? (right click the run tile for details) or more like testing the streamer as a D/A converter in mirror mode? And impulse testing for filter types?

Hi, yes that’s right, impulse testing for filter type/response would be most helpful.
Matt’s blog post on “Rapid USB DAC Evaluation” probably covers everything I’ll need on that side.

There’s a brilliant thread on extending the I2S bus output to use SPDIF, Toslink for anyone that is interested.