Is Quantasylum shipping new units?

I ordered a QA403 from Quantasylum on Jan 17th. They sent me a confirmation and charged my account Jan 18th. I haven’t received by unit yet. I have emailed them twice on status. I have not received any response and can’t find a phone number to call. At this point I would like to cancel the order with them and order from Saelig. But since I have not received a response, I’m not sure they would even cancel the order. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Mike

Hi @audiowright, the QA403 just started shipping again today. There’s a note near the QA403 “Add to Cart” button that went up on November 29, and it explains the QA403 is out of stock, and that more stock wouldn’t be coming until late January of 2024. I would expect we’ll be through the Jan17 orders by Thursday or Friday of this week.

Hi Matt, did you recently ship some QA403 units to Elektor as well?
I want to purchase a unit via this EU-dealer since end of December, but they are still out of stock.
Thanks, Alain

The QA472 is here. The latest low noise mic preamp from QA is now a dual preamp. Switchable gain, 48-volt phantom power and a second even lower noise preamp (single ended) are just a few of the units features.

The new rack mount shelf arrived here yesterday. I’ll be mounting my modules later today.

I ordered my QA403 at the beginning of November and received it near the end of November just like the web site indicated. I think as more people find out about what QA offers the orders will only increase so if you want something I’d say push the buy button and get in line.

Wishing everyone happy testing!