REST API for A-weighting

Thanks @Dan. I see it now. For the future, it can be replicated by US users (and other cultures that use a period for the decimal point) by the following. Alternately, you can set up a new user account with the needed language settings).

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to time and language
  3. Select Administrative language settings
  4. click Formats tab
  5. click Additional Settings
  6. Change “decimal symbol” to comma (pick from drop-down, don’t enter it)
  7. Click OK and back out of everything.

Going to Status/Version then results in nothing. Internally, an exception was being thrown as a hardcoded version string (“1.193”) was converted to a double. This caused an exception. The solution was to convert with CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

This will be fixed in 1.194. Hopefully out next week.

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