Hi @ChUml, I’ve attached a plot of what is representative of performance in loopback, from -50 dBV output to +18 dBV output.
First, I’m going show the curves with automatic range selection active. There are 3 families of curves. In each family, there is an L and R plot as the same color. This is so you can see the channel to channel spread. And as I think you’ll see, wrt channel-to-channel, things look fine.
The 3 different groups are distinguished by a concept of “adder”…so you you see “25 dB” adder and “20 dB adder”
What this signifies is the input range that is selected for the given output range. That is, if you have specified a “20 dB adder” in the automated test, then for -10 dBV QA402 output, your target input range will be +10 dBV, which doesn’t exist, but will be rounded up to +12 dBV input (there are 8 input ranges are 0, 6, 12…42)
Now, specifying this “adder” might seem like a curious step. But it is necessary with so many input and output ranges (the output relay selection is done automatically). For best THD, the offset wants to be around 25 to 20 dB (that is, for a -20 dBV output you want to be at 0 dBV or +5 dBV input), for best THD+N, it wants to be around 15 dB. Eventually, there will be a button that says “optimize for THD” or “Optimize for THD+N” and the system will figure out the best gain range for each. But I think for most measurements the 20 dB rule will work fine. Below you can see where you tell the tests what offset to use.
For the QA401, we can run a similar plot in loopback:
Looks much less chaotic without all the relays, for sure. Roughly, from the plot above, we can see THD+N is better than 95 dB from -15 to +5 dBV input range.
The QA402 is able to extend that range, from about -18 dBV to around +18 dBV
We can replicate the QA401 settings on the QA402 and use a +12 dBV input range. You can see a flat spot at -10 dBV input level–that is the output DAC gain relay changing. And the sharp rise after 0 dB mirrors what you see in the PCM4220 ADC data sheet (see figure 6). The QA401 didn’t have the sharp rise. But we can hide that with the relays.
Now, one observation is that “Hey, this is supposed to be a -108 THD+N DAC, you are 10 dB away from that!” which is true. But this is loopback. So, you have the DAC N+D, the output amp noise and the input amp noise contributing too. Using a QA480 as the source will close that gap by a few dB, leaving the balance of degradation related to the QA402 input stages. That was a deliberate choice, because (as I noted a few posts ago) the input THD was prioritized over noise.
Now, a really big challenge today is measuring the newer “self-oscillating” class D power amps. These are delivering killer THDN performance that is so good it can’t really be measured accurately even by super expensive analyzers. Roughly, the THD+N of these amps is around -120 dB, and you’d need a -130 dB THD+N analyzer to measure that with confidence. But those analyzers don’t exist. But -120 dB THDN analyzer do for $$$.
Concurrently, we’re seeing a shift to ADC converters that appear to be getting their wins by paralleling stages and compensation. Paralleling is used to reduce noise, and compensation is used to eliminate harmonics in the converter and input/output stages. Both techniques can be used standalone, with physical hardware being replaced by time. I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread on the QA402 ADC being “well behaved” and showed some examples above how a THDN measurement can be made in several steps–one to establish the noise and another to establish the harmonic levels.
There’s a new algorithm in the QA402 software that will permit cross-correlation measurements to be made. This is a two-channel measurement that will allow you to measure noise in a DUT below the noise floor. It’s commonly employed in phase noise measurements, where 10 minutes can be spent on a measurement. Because you use two channels, noise and spectral components that are common to the DUT appear on both the left and right channels. Noise that isn’t from the DUT is seen differently by the left and right channel and thus can averaged out over time. For every 10X increase in correlations, you get 5 dB improvement in noise. So, 10 correlations gets you 5 dB, 100 gets you 10 dB, 1000 gets you 15, and 10,000 correlations get you 20 dB. The phase-noise folks are routinely getting 20 dB.
If I measure a QA480 (THD of roughly -140 and THDN of roughly -120) and let it cross correlate for 1000 samples, I get a plot as below (ignore the amplitude–there are currently some scaling issues). The measurement NmD reflects the noise minus the distortion and fundamental. That is -98.7, and the signal peak is 22.2, so that means the noise is -121 dB below the signal. This measurement was done a +6 dBV input range with a +4 dBV signal). Note the harmonics are around - 100 dBc
Now, keeping the QA480 amplitude the same, and switching to +30 dBV input and running that for 200 correlations shows actual THD of DUT at -120 (the -100 shown earlier was pessimistic and due to being so close to the 0 dBFS of the ADC.
So, as mentioned a few posts back about making a series of measurements using the attenuators with THD+N approaching -115. But that wasn’t with cross-correlation. I think with cross-correlation that can be extended even further.
In short, I think the range of attenuators will facilitate a host of enhancements from signal processing. And these will all work without a notch and at a range of frequencies. Using cross-correlation to dig deep combined with attenuators should also allow the automated determination of compensations to quash 2H and 3H inherent in the QA402. These are all very long-term items to refine and I don’t know precisely what the long-term wins might look like. But I’m really excited about the hardware framework that is in place with the QA402 and what is enabled with the 8 input ranges.
The QA401 had a detailed 10-page doc on measurements, and the doc for the QA402 will have even more when it’s ready.