True headless mode for QA40X application?

I am using the REST API to control a QA403 from a complex LabVIEW application. This application is executed in a productive environment and automatically controls the data acquisition. Therefore, the window of the QA40X application is not needed in this case. So far, I have started the REST API using the HidRun helper tool so that the main window was suppressed after startup.

With the update to release 1.201, however, this procedure no longer works properly. According to the release notes, the window behavior was modified.

I am aware that I can start the QA40X application with the command line parameter -HEADLESS to hide the main window. However, the QA40X specific application console is still displayed as a window and the logo is shown briefly on startup.

Is it possible to implement a real headless mode, where the application is started via the console like a real console application, without any additional window being visible to the user?

There is the QA40X bare metal implementation that interfaces directly with the hardware instead of using the application. Maybe take a look at that. Looks like there is a C# implementation as well as a working python version.

The QA40X bare metal and the Python implementation are definitely great projects. However, the REST API directly from QuantAsylum is already very powerful and works really well, apart from one or two minor details.

I have fully implemented and tested the API. I just do not fully understand on the part of the application why a REST API is offered for complete control, but then an application window still appears or at least there is no direct way to hide it. Basically, a simple application service that works quietly in the background in conjunction with the API would be perfectly fine. Conversely, why else would I need the API if I could control everything manually with a mouse click in the window? For me, the one excludes the other to a certain extent.

Hi @SoSi, the app is doing the REST processing. So, the app gets the binary info from the box via USB and packages that up into waveforms and exposes those via REST. There is a command line option of -HEADLESS that will use a console only. Not sure if that helps. I can’t say the headless option has gotten a lot of testing, but it might be worth a try.