Bob Cordell's QA403 Tutorial

Update: Bob’s latest Tutorial is located HERE

Those of you deep in audio design probably already have one or two of Bob’s fantastic books on amplifier design. His first book (Designing Audio Circuits and Systems) goes broad, and his second book (Designing Audio Power Amplifiers) goes deep into amp design.

Bob has posted a tutorial HERE on using the QA403 for making a host of amp measurements. The amp under consideration is outlined in Chapter 4 (2nd edition) of the Designing Audio Power Amplifier book, and depending on options can do about 150W into 8 ohms. Some more background on the design considerations and tradeoffs was presented at Burning Amp in 2019.

I have both books on my nearest shelf in my office. They are that good!


Thank you so very much for providing this excellent tutorial. This is exactly what I have been requesting. :grinning:

Yes, to have such a talented engineer AND technical writer to spend time on this is huge I agree!


Bob Cordell is an authority on audio amplifier design. In my opinion, his book ‘Designing Audio Power Amplifiers’ should be in the library of anyone who wants to engage in audio amplifier design. This book, in my humble opinion, together with Doug Self’s texts, is an important mine of news and information. In this regard, I recommend reading Chapter 26 (but Chapter 27 is also very useful) ‘Distortion and its Measurement’ of ‘ Designing Audio Power Amplifiers’ (second edition) for a correct interpretation of the results that can be obtained from measurements made with the QA403. Of course all this is just my own thinking

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Thanks for the link to the video. It is nice to watch something technical w/out having to take a test :grinning: Might be fun to build it…

Thank you for the recommendation, I ordered the book. I love good reference books that people put thought and love into. Books still work even when the internet does not :wink:

Trying to run Output Impedance and Damping Factor

Top of page 58 states “Check the box Plot Damping Factor”

I don’t find this selection:

Page 58 of what? Bob Cordell’s article is not that long unless there’s something I missed and the QA manual is only 41 pages

Bob has released his V2 Tutorial and it is 67 pages in length

Hi. Here is the “PwrOutputimpedence Options” plugin with the “Plot Damping factor” box highlighted in QA40x version 1.207. Perhaps you are using an earlier version of QA40x.

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Where’s the V2? I can only see V1 here:

Thank you for pointing this out. I thought i had updated the latest version just this past week. I see that version 1.202 is running.

Mr Cordell sent it directly to me, I thought he had released to all.

Once again, one would think a tab would be available at FILE to upload the latest software version. No, you have to search for it and then unsure of what version is being installed.

Hi @YamahaCA,

If you go to and click Support and then Download, and then click on your product, you’ll go straight to the Github page of all the latest releases and what has changed.

Alternately, from inside the app, you can click on Help->Wiki and go to the Github page, and from there it’s easy to get to the release page.

I’ll check into getting a menu item added for Help->Releases

The installed version can be found under the logo in the main window of the QA40x (of course, the “Suppress Logo ‘ option should not be selected in ’Edit” “Setting”).

Once again, I should also be cautious of what I ask for:

It sure helps when one follows the very clear instructions that Mr Cordell has provided!

Has anyone noticed the graph after 10khz? Does that appear strange to you? Do you think it is a error in settings?

I typically see a rise in output Z at the higher end of the band. But you are talking very small impedances in this graph- not really an issue in the grand scheme of things.