Improvements to the software?

Personally I have found the QA403 software to be incredibly accurate but also incredibly frustrating. I am working on an alternative based off of Joost Breed’s excellent application.

A youtube video of a simpler alternative->

Alternative software?

Do you have a download link?

Sorry, it‘s you who is developing this frontend? I didn‘t want to be unfriendly.

And I do have two accounts, cfortner and Forwatt, but I‘m not able to delete one.

I would call this extremely early software and I still don’t have some of the statistics right. I’m more than anything hoping this might convince QA to consider some GUI upgrades but let me see about getting a stable download available.

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I heartedly endorse GUI upgrades! I am not a computer guru or programmer (I use a Mac for all of my computer work so you know I like simple interfaces. I only use a PC for the QA). I find the QA interface to be challenging/frustrating to use sometimes.

Ok, I think I have a stable download but there’s but some issues with the setup program thinking it has a virus so I just zipped the entire build folder. You can unzip it anywhere and run it from that folder. Hopefully.

see Github Release

one of the assets is a 50MB zip file with the executable


Note that the QA40x QuantAsylum application needs to be running for this application to send it rest calls. It will tell you if not : )

Here’s a picture of the spectral plot…

Looks great! I downloaded it and it seems to be working fine, only issue I have found is changing the generator voltage, I am testing a phono preamp and want 5mV - when I change it to that I get a “Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)” message and have to end the task to get out of it.

Oops thanks you’re right. Typing in the field is failing apparently. Selecting the combo works ok. I’ll take care of it.

Thanks, I’ve taken care of it (new zip file in Release). It impacted all three editable combos so good catch.

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Looks good.

Is there any way of freezing/ saving (for lack of better words) the real-time graphs so as you can compare it with newer ones?

Unless I’m missing something, this is not possible on the QA software and I find it very very useful.

Yes, it’s trivial to do that and in my plans. Also loading/saving settings and maybe plots. I’d really like an export to FRD.

There is something in the QA40x software that lets you save a single image of a channel (see the dropdown menus) but it’s pretty useless.

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OK, I’ve added load/save settings and screen capture as well as (early) export to FRD. It’s close…

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