First version of custom QA40x Audio Analyser


I’ve started my own Audio Analyser project. I just finished version 0.1 which is a kind of a showcase. More features and measurements will be added to this project now and then.
If you have feature requests please let me know. I will put them on my list.

See my GitHub repo for more information:
qa40x-audio-analyser Github repository


Wow! That’s incredible. It looks awesome!

Can the software be downloaded and installed by us alongside the existing QA40x app without screwing anything up? Does your software take into account any calibration data for each QAxxx?

What are the download/install instructions?



@restorer-john Thank you.

You can download an msi file here:

It has only been tested on my windows 11 machine for now.
You might have to install .net framework 4.8 if it is not already on your pc, but I think the installer will do that automatically as well. But here’s a link to it anyway:

My application uses the QuantAsylum application in the background because that hosts the REST server. As far as I know you do not have to do any calibration because that is done in the device itself before it leaves the factory. I found some information about that here:

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Hi @breedj. Congratulations it is a great job. Unfortunately on my computers (win 10 and win11), the program installs regularly but does not start. No error message. Framework 4.8 is already installed. Just wanted to inform.

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It would be even more amazing if you could work with Bob Cordell to incorporate his new QA403 tutorial into this format.

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Unfortunately my installation also does not start. No error messages, nothing.

@Claudio @restorer-john
I’ve made a new installer. Some dependencies where missing.
Would you be so kind to test this installation.
I’ve added some installation notes on the github page with a link tot the new msi. It can also be found in the Releases section on the right side of the github page.



@YamahaCA That’s an excellent idea. I’ll try to contact Bob Cordell.

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Hi @breedj. I just downloaded the new installer. Now it installs regularly, creates the icon on the desktop and starts without any problems. I will test it as soon as possible. I repeat, you did a great job. Thank you

EDIT I just completed a round of measurements: no problem, OK operation with both Win 10 and Win 11!


Hi @Claudio.
Thank you for letting me know.

New installer works perfectly. I will give the program a decent go later in the week.

Well done. I’ll try with my W10 and W11 machines and report back.


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I’ve added the ‘THD vs. Amplifier output amplitude’ measurement. There’s a new installer available on GitHub.

D represents?
MAGN represents?
Amp 1000.488v represents?

These figures at the bottom of the graph show the last measurement while doing the measurement. Or after the measurement has finished it shows the values where the cursor is.

But I see the figures in the screenshot are not correct. The amplitude here shows the test frequency during the measurement, which is 1000.488 Hz.
MAGN represents the magnitude (gain), which should not be shown here, only in the D (dB) graph. Dx represents the distortion of the x-th harmonic.

This will be fixed in the next update.

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Thank you for the explanation. The Amplitude should be labeled Frequency and not in V but in HZ.

Actually it should be labeled Amplitude or Voltage (x-axis value) but currently the value shown is wrong. It should say 5 V, instead of the test frequency value with the V unit. My mistake.

The frequency is the same for all datapoints. 1000.488 Hz in this case. The 1000Hz test frequency is set in the Measurement settings but it is rounded to the nearest fft-bin to prevent spectral leakage. Because it is the same for all points there is no point in showing it in the cursor data, it will not change when hovering over the graph.

Eventually a report (pdf) will be generated which will have the load and test frequency on the page as well. But that is still on my to do list. I think I’ll get some more work done the next few weeks.


Any update on working with Bob?

I contacted Bob and he is interested. I will continue working on the software and at some point he will test it.

I am still busy implementing some new measurements, i.e. Bode Plot and Input and output impedance, etc,. In the meantime someone else has started to look into making a new interface. The current interface is more like a test mockup. The goal is also to make it cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac). Also we will have to add the project management first. I think after that it will be ready for Bob to test.

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I would have thought it would have been the other way around.


Since there’s not too much traffic on here I just wanted to chime in. I just tried the app yesterday and I was very impressed. If I understand it right it’s autoranging which is such a great feature and time saver - and the graphs are really nice. I’m looking forward to its evolution.
