First version of custom QA40x Audio Analyser

I’m a bit confused as to what exactly is the latest version.

And how to get the latest version up and running. Do I install the last month one and then…?

Downloaded the file at the bottom of the page, uninstalled the ‘old’ version and installed the ‘new’ version. Ran the QA-40x app and it appears to be working now. Is that the correct procedure?

Hi @breedj. I downloaded version 0.5 from Github. I see that the “BodePlot” button is present in the screenshot.

However, in my installation I do not see it. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks

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Speaking out of turn here –

When you go the github site on the right side you’ll see ‘releases’ and underneath it says ‘5 tags’. Click that ‘5 tags’ link and it will show the releases with each having a ‘Downloads’ entry and that is the latest msi installer.

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@MarkZ Thank you for chiming in. The app is indeed autoranging. That is one of the benefits in using the QA403 hardware. I’m glad you like it. Stilll a lot of work to do though.

I’m commiting my code now and then but I do not always create an installer with every commit.
I’ve just made a new installer (V0.6) which includes the Bode plot functionality. I do not have a manual yet, but for that function the left output channel of the QA403 must be connected to the input of the DUT and left input channel of the QA403 must be connected to the output of the DUT (amplifier or filter). Also the right input channel must be connected to the left output channel. Otherwise it is not possible to measure the phase. See the image below. I will add these kind of images to the application later.

If you only want to measure the frequency response without the phase you can use the Frequency Response Chirp measurment. Which does the same but uses a chirp instead of frequency steps. It is also faster. But also with that function it is advised to use the right channel as the reference channel. If you want to compare the left and right channel of your amplifier than uncheck the ‘Right channel is reference’ checkbox. Then you can measure both the left and right channel at the same time. But the measurement will be less accurate for low and high frequencies.

As explained here, which uses the same principle:

Here’s a link to the latest installer V0.6:



Thank you Joost. You really are progressing with this custom version.Well done. :smile:

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Hello @breedj - Thank you for sharing your project source and all your effort.

As a developer, a couple simple steps to get the Solution built and running locally:

  1. Refreshing packages as typical, since OpenTK, ScottPlot, and SkiaSharp are likely stale on local developer IDE’s.
  2. Installing the current MS Project Installer library to be compatible with the installer project
  3. I did not find a certificate, so the cert was disabled on the solution Click-once property page
  4. Debug Security was also disabled as a matter of preference
  5. default solution resources that can be purged
    otherwise, solution built and ran as expected


  • bugs should be recorded on your Github site, you put in the hard work to put that in place!
  • your install prob should not install to a desktop directory with your name on it


  • Will you eventually be receptive to pull requests?
  • Any thoughts about a Mock Test project for CI/CD support?
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Hi @rbenak,

Thank you for your advice!

The current application is still just a proof-of-concept, so my main focus has been on the measurements, and I haven’t gotten around to fixing those issues yet. That said, we’ve started setting up a new solution that will use .NET 9 instead of .NET Framework 4.8. We’re also exploring the UNO Framework to make it cross-platform, so we’re essentially starting from scratch with this project.

To answer your questions:
We’re likely going to welcome pull requests, add unit tests, and implement a CI/CD pipeline. Once we have something functional, we’ll either create a new repository or replace this one entirely. In the meantime, I might still add one or two forms to the current project since I’m working on some new measurements alongside developing the new solution.

Thanks again for your input!


I might be wrong but from the tone of this last post, it sounds to me that this will eventually be a commercial software?

@peppermint The software will stay open source.


That’s great to hear. Thanks for all your effort!

Will you be creating these test into your format?
Thank you for all your efforts.

Routine Settings
Saving Settings
Loading Settings
Saving the Screen Image
Markers and Cursors
Minimizing Hum and Noise in Measurements
Measuring High-Power Amplifiers
Loopback Performance
Gain Measurement
Frequency Response
User-defined Noise Weighting
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
Noise Density
THD vs Output Power into 4 Ω and 8 Ω loads
Burst Power into 4-Ω and 2-Ω loads
THD vs Frequency
THD vs Frequency vs Output Power
THD Visualizers
GenEx Burst Waveform
CCIF 19 + 20 kHz
SMPTE IM 60 and 7000 Hz
Multitone IM
Output Impedance and Damping Factor

Automated Measurements
Power Output - THD vs Power at 1 kHz
THD vs Power at 16 kHz
THD vs Power with 4-Ω Load
THD versus Frequency versus Input Level
Frequency Response
Frequency Response by Chirp
Output Impedance and Damping Factor
Crosstalk vs Frequency
Intermodulation Distortion vs dBV Input
Intermodulation Distortion vs Power

@YamahaCA Most of these items are one the to do list.

Some of these measurements can already be done with the latest version:

  • Gain Measurement
  • Frequency Response
  • THD vs Output Power into 4 Ω and 8 Ω loads
  • THD vs Frequency
  • Frequency Response
  • Frequency Response by Chirp

And I’ve started with implementing:

  • Input Impedance
  • Output Impedance and Damping Factor.

Thank you. You are a Rock Star!