Hi all,
I want to start off and say thank you to anyone who takes time to help me figure this out. I am trying to determine if the QA402 can help me measure total harmonic distortion of a 1k or 2k test signal.
I have a pair of mono block tube amplifiers that have no creature comforts. As a result I have to set the AC balance manually. It seems like the most accurate method of doing so is by having a piece of test equipment output a 1k or 2k test signal, that is then fed into the amplifier, and then measure the distortion at the output under load.
This simplifies the process of making the AC balance adjustment as I would then simply adjust the AC balance pot till the lowest distortion is achieved. I know some will probably think this is overkill, however I am a silly perfectionist.
With that in mind, what I am trying to determine is the following:
- Can the QA402 do all of the above alone, or do I also need the QA451.
- Is it possible to setup the software so I can get a simple percentage readout of THD?
- Does the software allow for continuous polling or saying it a different way live measuring?
- Max output of my amplifier is 120 watts peak, which I believe is without the limited of the QA451 but want to confirm.
If you read this and was likeā¦I cannot figure out what this guy is asking, here is a video of someone talking about setting AC balance on an amplifier: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjjwou_uPXzAhXpAp0JHTQeCPAQwqsBegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D49hiWgsMLAE&usg=AOvVaw2Sve_sRjzX-yAmCZsa7TPb
My goal is to be able to do what he starts to do at the 6 minute mark.
Thank you again for the help.