I’m trying to create my first mask files for tractor based on modifying what our Tech in a different office has created for me to work with. I’m not finding complete documentation other than basic help files or wikis so perhaps I can ask here?
I am using a QA1.924 and Tractor 1.101 with a QA401 at both locations. Our tech has created multiple .CSV files for each of the test units in multiple settings to use to create masks with. This is currently just for frequency response masks. I haven’t started to learn others yet. I assume this works the same if I want THD vs Level, THD vs Stimulus Frequency or other types of masks.
When I first try to create a mask by importing CSV test sweeps I see the results in the graph are linear and not in KHz or dB. If I run a test on the QA app first, throw those results away, then import everything looks formatted correctly. This poses a problem for offline tech work. Is there a way to set the axis to be in dB and KHz rather than linear without making a dummy import first? Or is this a bug/feature issue in the 1.924 firmware?
It appears that there is no way to create a mask limit tighter than +/- 0.5dB. Is this correct? If this is the best I can do can I edit the mask file in a text editor (I see it’s just text) to be tighter than +/- 0.5dB?
Can I make the limit different for + than -. Example: +1dB, -0.5dB? Seems the limit maximum box doesn’t really do anything and limit minim is symmetrical and drives the results?
I don’t understand any of the boxes other than “limit minimum” they don’t seem to do anything. Can you define the “standard deviation” box, Limit Maximum, and the smoothing box?
the shop floor sometimes has 60Hz issues. If I do a mask from say 20Hz to 20Khz then manually edit the mask file to cut out all the data points from 45Hz - 70Hz will this work, or will tractor just connect the dots from 45 to 70? IE are these the points it tests or points on a curve? If I want to do below 45 and above 70Hz is this two mask files?
Often I don’t really care about absolute level, esp if there is a gain knob. +/-1 dB is fine, however I may need a certain flatness or know say 10KHz is 0.5dB down from 1KHz. Is there a way to have a “relative” mask rather than an absolute one?
Thank you. I know this is a lot of questions.