T/L D/R the masks generated with Graph do not have enough points so I’m getting fails. How can I adjust the number of points exported?
Here is the issue, note the mask generated vs the actual trace. Note from 60 to 20 there are no points to get around a 60Hz bump, and from 1.2k to 3.1k there are no data points
If we look at the mask before we export it in graph it looks great with no flat spot.
(you will have to belive me, it won’t let me upload more than 1 picture)
However if we look at the mask we can see that a big skip then bunching around 60Hz and again from 1.2 to 3.2KHz, After this there are lots of points close.
# QuantAsylum Mask File
# Frequency, Minimum Pass Value (dB), Maximum Pass Value (dB)
20.51, -30.67, -29.65
60.06, -30.98, -28.93
61.52, -30.56, -29.52
131.84, -30.25, -29.23
180.18, -29.96, -28.92
224.12, -29.66, -28.63
263.67, -29.38, -28.34
301.76, -29.10, -28.05
341.31, -28.81, -27.76
380.86, -28.54, -27.48
423.34, -28.26, -27.20
467.29, -27.99, -26.92
514.16, -27.72, -26.65
566.89, -27.45, -26.38
626.95, -27.18, -26.11
695.80, -26.91, -25.84
776.37, -26.65, -25.58
877.44, -26.39, -25.32
1013.67, -26.12, -25.06
1229.00, -25.86, -24.80
3093.75, -26.12, -25.03
3495.12, -26.38, -25.29
3848.14, -26.65, -25.54
4168.95, -26.91, -25.80
Seems like a point ever 1/3 octave minimum would be great. Can I improve the number of points? Clearly 56 points from 20Hz to 20KHz is not enough