QA403 feature request

A tile displaying the current measurement bandwidth would also be very useful.

A simple feature request, Softkeys /shortcut for:
White Noise
Frequency Response


I have scoured the API notes and see NO way to turn the INPUT channel DISPLAY on and off as you can with the Control Panel, where clicking on the Left and Right buttons displays or hides the L & R channel data from the graph area.

I even tried to guess how you might do this with a GET /Settings/Display/True/False where /Settings/Display/{LEFT = True or False}/{RIGHT = True or False}.

I can live without this but curious if this is in the API and if not, have you ever considered adding it?

I want this because I’m using the R Input to monitor the THROUGH output of the DUT after pressing a footswitch. I’m using the R channel as a monitor during this test but don’t want the R Channel data messing up all the other test screens which are L Channel only.


Hi @pstary, currently the way you could do this is to have a settings file with left or right disabled or enabled as needed. You could copy the default.settings to default_rightoff.settings and then set the element called DisplayLeft and DisplayRight to the desired state. And then, load the appropriate settings before a run, and that will bring with it the display status for both left and right.

But it’s a bit clunky. It would be better have a REST option available.