Hi @cfortner, you can press the 1 key to toggle the sine generator, and do control+1 to bring up a direct entry keypad for sines. You can also press and drag with the mouse to scroll the control area.
The next version of software, which is still a ways off, has a much denser control region, and a lot of the buttons will move to overlay controls on the display. So, control groups such as cursors and display move to the display, and other groups get squeezed a fair bit so it’s all there on a 1080 display.
What is your best estimate on the release of that version of the software with a more condensed UI, including overlays.
Try to be accurate now, lol.
And what would that version number look like?
Will it be significantly different numerically so that I can easily identify it?
Hi @CESAUDIOPRO, it will have the version number of 2.0. I don’t know at this point when it will be ready. Not any time soon. By that I mean at least >6 months away.