Since the restore of the power, I have not been able to bring up the software. I have tried to delete and reinstall, but no luck. Any ideas?
Hi @JWB474, what happens when you launch the QA403 application? The app will not run if another instance is running, and you’ll get a message. Do you see a message that another instance of the app is running? Do you see the UI at all?
Sometimes the QA40x app can be running but not showing. That can be verified by looking in Task Manager and killing the process manually. Or, just re-start your machine.
Hello Matt, thanks for responding.
The UI is not coming up and I do see the message that another instance is running. I can’t find where it is running. I will do your suggestions and report back
Hi @JWB474, OK, so if you see the message that another instance is running, then open task manager, and then select the Details tab. Click on the process name column to sort by name, and look for the QA40x app. Then right click on that and pick “End Task”
The QA40x should disappear from the list and launching another version of the app should complete successfully.
Hello Matt,
The end task did work.
Thanks for the help.
While I was at it I decided to “clean” the computer and got the latest version QA403 and installed it. Working great.