Touch screen panel scroll functionality

Wanting to put the QA403 on a touch enabled 23" all-in-1 PC and dispense with the keyboard and mouse to save bench space, but I cannot scroll the left panel settings/measurements panel to get to the cursors settings. One finger, two, three doesn’t work. No scroll bar either.

Even if I auto-hide the taskbar I can’t get to the cursor buttons settings. I need to connect a mouse/kybd to use the scroll wheel/arrow/pgup etc.

I have found that two fingers and then splaying them apart/togther makes the left panel settings jump up and down to expose the cursors buttons- kinda clunky but works. Could we just have up/down scrolling somehow? Am I missing something?


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I have the same issue with a 23.8" touch screen @ 1920x1080 setting.

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Hi @restorer-john, yes, agree. Your touch screen might support this already. What you are looking for is a way to convert a touch gesture into a mouse action, specifically a scroll wheel.

There are apps such as TouchMe Gestures that can do this mapping. But let me also check if the control panel can be made touch gesture aware.

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Hi @restorer-john,

There is a new release (1.202) that will allow you to scroll the control panel with a finger or mouse.

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That’s just awesome @matt. Your responsiveness to these little details is really producing a very rounded piece of software for the QA403.

The QA403 has become an indespensible piece of test gear on my vintage audio restoration lab bench in the space of a few short months. Some of my legacy gear is jealous of the flashy little red and black box getting all the attention.


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